Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Week 2 was hard

I have learned many new things this week. Some of my family members already use googlereads. It was fun to connect with them. Diigo was interesting. I'm glad to know there is an online reading tool where you can highlight and keep track of documents. The wiki pages weren't too bad, when they worked for me. It seemed that everything I tried for the fourth page had a problem, but I finally had success. The video chat was lots of fun. I can't wait to try it with my daughter in Japan.
Here is the URL for the wiki I created this week:

Diigo Screenshot:

1 comment:

  1. Hi Marni,

    Your wiki is great! It made me smile to remember PEMDAS. I hadn't heard that phrase for over 15 years! It made me remember my elementary and middle school teachers. I really liked the gadget you chose to include for your page because it went perfectly with your subject matter. I also liked the organized way in which you laid you the wiki. Excellent job!

